Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Eve of a New Year

I suppose it's horribly unoriginal to write a blog post on New Years Eve discussing the past year... but I don't care. ;^) Like a few other people I know, I will be glad to see 2006 fade into memory. It was not a great year.

Early 2006 saw me still living in Scott's spare room, struggling to pay bills via a job I hated, and wondering if I would ever escape the rut into which I had landed myself. By summer, I actually did start taking steps to escape... by taking yet another cruise ship gig. During the required physical for the job, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure... at 36 years old. I nearly didn't get to take the job because of it. I'll likely be on medication the rest of my life.

The cruise ship job was the most difficult employment situation I've ever known. I was worked like a slave, with little regard to my health or well-being. I was so exhausted, injured, and depressed, I actually missed my "rut" back in Michigan. Also during this time, Shadow (our kitty) died. At the end of my ship contract I found out that two of my best friends (H & MA) were getting divorced. I had been the Best Man at their wedding.

Then came the move to Las Vegas. I knew I wasn't financially ready, but there was some kind of momentum going at the time. All those closest to me seemed to be cheering me on (and out). I made the leap. The trip out included blowing out a tire in the middle of the desert at night, and having to buy four new ones. For my first 8 weeks in Vegas, I fell back into depression. In fact, I was so lonely, afraid, and confused that I started to question just about everything in my life. Additionally, 90% of the weight I had worked so hard to lose during the previous year came back, as I jammed comfort food down my throat. Unexpected auto repairs in December suddenly killed my savings. I was broke, alone, afraid, and depressed as hell.

Yes, the story did take an upward turn. January 2nd, I will start a new job, and I'm hoping I'll love it. I still have very little money, and I need to find a new place to live. So for the next month or two I'll still be struggling. I also still have no friends in Vegas.

Admittedly, 2006 did have a FEW good points... mostly for people around me, but those things made me happy by association. Several people close to me had some kind of career success in 2006. My friend Sara graduated and became an optometrist. My brother Brian finally landed a full-time job (even though he hates it). My brother Scott landed a significant pay raise at his job. My cousin Lindsey landed a great new job. As for me, I did make a new friend in Michigan (Rach). I also had fun with my family in Vegas (in February, October, and December). Technically I did land my new job in 2006, even though it doesn't start until 2007. So I can't say 2006 was completely bad... but on the whole, I'll be happy to see it go.

As I have no friends in Vegas yet, I'll be a "party of one" tonight, but I'll still drink a toast to you, 2007. I am still hopeful that this coming year will be a better one. As for you, 2006... don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out!


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