Sunday, August 12, 2007


Yes, Scott flew to Vegas so we could go to the huge Star Trek convention (celebrating the 20th anniversary of "Star Trek - The Next Generation"). Yes, it has been fun! Yes, so far there has been an unexpectedly high number of beautiful women at the Trek convention (who are actual Trekkies, not hired models). Yes, the girls in the pic below are two of them...

(click pic to enlarge)
(No, she's not blind, she just blinked during the pic)


Blogger ruehllin said...

In all honesty, I probably would have had a better time in Trek Vegas instead of at the snob fest. Luckily we were only there about 30 minutes and my friend agreed with the strangeness of the establishment and that we had no business being there. It was kind of like being back in high school, only with beer.

9:28 AM  

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