Tuesday, July 03, 2007

For Max - Tribute To A Fallen Friend

Our amazing Golden Retriever, Max, was put to sleep on Monday. She had gotten to the point where she could no longer walk outside under her own power. She had also dropped a lot of weight, and was barely eating. She was very old, and it was time.

Max had been a part of the family since 1992. She was by far the most human-like dog I have ever known. She had a very distinctive personality. She was full of energy and spunk, but she was also very gentle and loving. She could be trusted with the smallest of children. She loved people very much. Max would give you a four star welcome every time you walked through the door. She would follow you until you stopped moving, then she would attempt to lay as close to you as possible. She just wanted to be near you.

Max comprehended more English words than any dog I have ever known. She would listen in on our conversations. She also knew who we were. If we said, "Where's Scott?", Max would go to Scott. She knew us each by name. Max was also the only pet I've ever known who had her own pet! Our parents worried that Max would be lonely during the day while everyone was gone, so they bought Bailey (another Golden) to keep her company. Bailey truly was Max's dog. Bailey likes us too, but her first priority was always Max. I'm am worried about how she will deal with the fact that Max is gone.

Farewell, my puppy. I will miss your amazing greetings when I visit home. I will miss you plopping your head into my lap. I will even miss your never-ending quest for food. I hope you are no longer in pain, and are no longer suffering. I also hope you know how much we all loved you. Goodbye, my friend.


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