Friday, June 08, 2007

A Night in Paris... In Prison (Part II)

It would be easy to look at Paris (sobbing in the back of a police car as they take her back to court) and feel pity. She was reportedly crying and screaming for mother when they took her back to jail. I don't like to see anyone consumed by this kind of fear and sorrow. It is impossible to say what is going on inside that alien mind of hers as she cries. I say "alien", because she is obviously not from the same world in which I live. She's lived the sheltered, privileged life of the super rich. Her every need and want were met immediately, upon demand. She grew up being told she was elite, special, and a "cut above" the middle and lower classes. At one month old, her mother held her in her arms, and called her a "star". So Paris grew up believing all she was taught. She is a direct product of the environment in which she was raised. It would be easy to think of these things, and to feel sorry for her. She's obviously quite stunted in her emotional maturity. What kind of average 26 year old would cry out for her Mommy in front of a packed courtroom? Most of us would be APOLOGIZING to our parents, for putting them through that kind of stress, and for embarrassing them!

Like I said, it would be easy to feel pity for Paris Hilton, but I don't... at least not much. Regardless of how you were raised, we all eventually had/have a choice. We have the choice to become the kind of person we want to become. There are countless stories of people who pushed beyond their humble, challenging, or even terrifying childhoods to become successful, happy, well-adjusted adults. I'm also sure that there are people who grew up in the ultra upper-class who became decent, mature, caring members of society. Paris, of course, chose a different path...

Paris chooses to live as a fame chasing, stuck-up, spoiled, egocentric, vapid, ignorant, supposedly unintentional porn star. I'll admit, years ago I was intrigued enough by premise of her reality show "The Simple Life" to watch it (a few episodes anyways). I watched as Paris and friend made their way across the country, disrespecting and mocking everyone from the middle-class with whom they would come into contact. It did not matter if said people were a cheerful family who opened their home to the terrible twosome. Paris treated them like toys to play with. She disrespected their feelings, their property, and their lives in general. When Paris was given jobs, she acted as if hurting someone's business was all a big joke. She lived this life on her TV show, and lived an even more sickening life off screen. She acted as though she could do whatever she wanted, because she is Paris Hilton. She expected the world to bow to her will, and for the most part, it did... Then came the drunk driving.

Paris is undoubtedly too ignorant to realize that drunk driving has been a "hot button" topic with law makers and politicians since the 80s. Some of the anti drunk driving laws are unbelievably strict, and become more so every few years. Paris was caught drunk driving and was ordered not to drive. So of course she thought she could keep driving (even after being stopped again, and told not to drive)... because she's Paris Hilton. She felt she lived "above" the system. I'm sure upon returning to her mansion after three nights in jail, some part of her rejoiced in the fact that she had once again defeated---or had rather "ascended above"---the system. Unfortunately (for her), she did not truly understand how many people in middle America wanted to see her punished. It didn't even really matter for what charge. After years of watching Paris parade around Hollywood (and the world) like some ignorant, insulting, stuck-up, drunken, slutty sorority girl on a permanent Spring Break (with millions of dollars available to fund the debauchery), middle America had seen enough. The law in LA didn't send Paris back to prison... public outrage did. In this instance, I am part of that public. For some reason, I foolishly wish that Paris will somehow be "taught a lesson" by being returned to prison. Unfortunately that is rather unlikely.

Paris and her publicist will turn her jail time into a great big publicity bomb that will explode all over us, just like it did after her porn tape was released. After serving a few weeks in jail, Paris will once again be back in her alternate reality, where she is queen of all she surveys. The only thing she will have learned is that next time she needs to spend more money up front to cover-up her illegal activities, rather than to try to fight charges against her after they've been filed. That will be the only thing that comes out of Paris returning to jail, besides all the publicity it will give her. It almost makes you wonder if it's worth the tax dollars that will be spent to detain her?


Blogger ruehllin said...

Paris Hilton is a waste of flesh and oxygen. She always has been, she always will be. She has the means and opportunity to help millions but won't.

I was just going to write something very graphic about her being a depository for the "man juice" of whatever worthless man she tricks into shooting a "video" with her, but I won't.

I will instead direct you to the clip of the brilliant and beautiful Sarah Silverman ripping Paris apart at the MTV Movie Awards and Paris being too stupid to realize that maybe if she smiled during Silverman's rant, people might think she's a little bit less self-centered....but, no. She looked pissed.

Of course, I might look pissed if my demographic cheered relentlessly after someone said "Paris Hilton is going to jail." The crowd went WILD!! The MTV crowd!

In summation, Paris Hilton should be stuffed into a potato sack and left in the Sahara Desert without her Mobile Sidekick.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Todd said...

Yeah, I saw that video the day she first went to jail. Totally brilliant. I wonder how it felt to be Paris, and to hear an auditorium full of people cheer at the thought of you going to jail. That kind of thing would make most people re-examine their lives... but I highly doubt Paris has that kind of intelligence.

7:20 PM  

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