Thursday, February 01, 2007

So far, so good (regarding my new job)

I haven't really mentioned much about my new job since I landed it back in late December. I actually started work on January 2nd. I guess I haven't mentioned it since then, because there hasn't been much to bitch about! ;^) Seriously though, it's a cool job. My co-workers are largely young, talented, artistic... and yes, a bit on the geeky side. Our offices are lined with video game posters, movie posters, comic book posters, original drawings, etc. There are also tons of toys... Transformers, LEGOs, action figures, space ship models, etc. I am, of course, one of the "oldest of the young people"... if that makes any sense? We have a few members of management in their 40s and 50s, but that's it really. My immediate supervisor is only 24... but so far, no complaints from me about that. He's a nice guy, and he knows what the company needs.

Today our main boss (and creator of the company) reviewed my work on a new game. It wasn't the first game for which I've created content, but it's the first one for which I created 100% of the music and sound myself. As far as I know, it is also the first time the big boss has reviewed my work. He went through all parts of the game thoroughly. Then he turned to me and said, "You did this... your first one?" I said yes. He then said, "You did an excellent job! This is very good!" He then shook my hand, shook my immediate supervisor's hand, and then turned back to me again and said, "Todd, this really is very good. If this is your first game, I can't wait to hear what you'll do down the road!" I was a bit flustered, and looked at the floor during some of this, because I was definitely not expecting this level of enthusiastic response for work I hacked through utilizing 5 pieces of software (Reason, Peak, Digital Performer, Rewire/Recycle, and Premiere) I've never touched before starting the job. Needless to say, it felt really good to get very positive feedback on my first attempt.

I'd been concerned since I started about my ability to hold my own in a successful Las Vegas gaming company. In this job, multi-million dollar contracts hang in the balance, and my work can directly affect them. That's just a bit intimidating! In my other video gaming pursuits, I had always been a medium sized fish in a practically non-existent pond. Now I'm a small fish in a great lake. The other Digital Audio Composer on staff (a cool guy) is amazingly talented... he plays all the instruments I can play, and he plays them all better than I can. He's primarily a drummer, and I think he actually plays guitar better than I... and I'm primarily a guitarist. :( He is also very well versed in music theory and composition (he was a music composition major in college). On top of all that, he's a skilled audio engineer, and has worked in recording studios in Chicago and Vegas (whereas more of my experience has been in live sound, and in my little home recording studio). As if that weren't enough, he is solely responsible for creating all the music and sound design for our company's entire catalog of games before my arrival (years worth). Needless to say, prior to today I definitely had some self-doubt regarding my ability to deliver work that would maintain the music and audio quality level the company has grown to expect.

Today was a good day. In fact, even being around my very talented co-worker has been good for me too, because it's inspired me to start improving my talents again. I simply can't let a drummer be a better guitarist than I! ;^) Oh yes, "It's on!"... my long forgotten practice regimen has resumed. After I conquer D., I'm coming for you, Mr. Van Halen... ;^)

So regarding my new job, I'd have to say, "So far, so good!"


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