Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I went to Michigan this past weekend. I was there to facilitate my attendance at my cousin's wedding in Ohio. While in Michigan though, I did make time to see some of my best friends, who I haven't seen since last October. I also got to spend time with my family. Then I got to see my brother Brian's new place in Ann Arbor. The leaves were changing color, there was grass everywhere (not so much here in the desert), and Ann Arbor is a huge "college town"... the largest I've ever seen, actually. The streets were very much alive with people. It all reminded me so much of the best times I had living in Michigan (especially college). When it came time to board the plane back to Vegas, I found myself feeling like I didn't want to go.

I actually surfed the Internet (at work on Monday) for possible jobs in Ann Arbor. Of course I couldn't find anything suitable for me. That was always the biggest problem with Michigan for me... limited career options. I also think it's very, very likely that I am one of those "the grass is always greener on the other side" people. If I moved back, it probably wouldn't be long before I'd be dreaming of somewhere else I'd like to be. I think that is simultaneously one of my greatest strengths and weaknesses.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been guilty of looking for Exec. Ed jobs back in MI, at U of M in particular, but I don't think I'd ever actually go back. I love Boston too much. IT is a big ol' college town...I bet well over 100,000 students move into the city each fall, no joke. I think that's a part of what makes it such a vibrant city...

10:59 AM  

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