Monday, October 30, 2006

Beam me up a job!

Today I applied for a job at Star Trek. With any luck, soon I will be zooming across the galaxy in search of Klingon Blood Wine and blue women! What?! OK, actually I applied for a job at
"Star Trek: The Experience" in Las Vegas. Yes, the home of all-things-Trek is hiring an Admissions Associate . I guess selling tickets isn't the same as saving the galaxy, but I still think I would enjoy it. I freely admit that I'm a Trekkie. I'm not a MAJOR Trekkie... I can't name all 286 of the Ferengi's "Rules of Acquisition"... But I do know they exist.

The newspaper said they were hiring for a full-time position, but when I went to the Trek hiring desk (located backstage of the Experience), the sign said "part-time", so who knows? It was surreal filling out an application (and hacking my lungs out---I have a major cold) while various Borg, Ferengi, and other characters walked by behind me. Was it odd seeing Star Trek characters using the vending machines? Yup. Did I think it was awesome I had the chance to apply for a job there? Oh yes!

(click pics to enlarge)
(From the Grand Opening of Borg 4D at Star Trek: The Experience)


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