Wednesday, September 26, 2007

30 is the new 20

to my good friend, Hugh! I wish I
could be in Boston to
party like a rock star with you!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I went to Michigan this past weekend. I was there to facilitate my attendance at my cousin's wedding in Ohio. While in Michigan though, I did make time to see some of my best friends, who I haven't seen since last October. I also got to spend time with my family. Then I got to see my brother Brian's new place in Ann Arbor. The leaves were changing color, there was grass everywhere (not so much here in the desert), and Ann Arbor is a huge "college town"... the largest I've ever seen, actually. The streets were very much alive with people. It all reminded me so much of the best times I had living in Michigan (especially college). When it came time to board the plane back to Vegas, I found myself feeling like I didn't want to go.

I actually surfed the Internet (at work on Monday) for possible jobs in Ann Arbor. Of course I couldn't find anything suitable for me. That was always the biggest problem with Michigan for me... limited career options. I also think it's very, very likely that I am one of those "the grass is always greener on the other side" people. If I moved back, it probably wouldn't be long before I'd be dreaming of somewhere else I'd like to be. I think that is simultaneously one of my greatest strengths and weaknesses.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wrong End of a Gun II

To those who read the previous story...

I did go back to that same apartment complex tonight, and I DID retrieve my camera.

The end.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Notice that Puder's shoulders were clearly NOT both down, and certainly not for a 3 count. The refs received word (from back stage) in their earpieces to count him out, before he broke Angle's arm.

The Guild

Internet video series are really showing promise. I could see this one blowing up huge (I definitely like it!):

My philosphy is apparently not original...

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. . . . Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, to be gorgeous, talented, and fabulous. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others won't feel insecure around you.

Nelson Mandela

Friday, September 07, 2007

Wrong End of A Gun

A Vegas friend of mine (who used to work with me at G3) called me a month ago, and asked to borrow my video camera. He has a start-up multimedia business he's trying to get off the ground, and he simply needed to do a video dump (transferring the video footage he had recorded from a camera to his computer). I loaned him my camera, and he promised to return it to me at work (G3) the following day. To make a long story short, he didn't return my camera. He claims he had car problems, and that he could no longer drive to return the camera, but that I could pick it up at his place.

After a month of similar excuses, I decided to call him this morning, and tell him I was indeed coming to his place to get my camera. He was very friendly, said it was no problem, and said he'd be there after I got out of work. He gave me his address.

Darren (one of my roommates) and I drove to the address I was given, but it didn't seem to exist. We found an apartment complex in what we believed to be the right address, and found an apartment number that matched the (3150) street address number I was given. We found the apartment, and knocked a few times, but it was dark and completely silent, so we headed back to my truck.

We got in the truck, and a man approached from out of the darkness. Being a somewhat tall, bald, black man, he fit the description of my friend, which is who I thought it was, until he got close. This unknown man approached my truck window, and asked what we had been doing at his door. I explained that we were looking for my friend. He said, "You found the WRONG door." He said this several times, as if it had significant meaning. I asked him if his address matched the one I was given, and he refused to say. He said, "I don't want to talk about that! You found the WRONG door.". He was acting a bit erratic. He then said, "Yeah, I followed you guys into the parking lot, and I got my gun." Sure enough, just below eye-level to me (as I was sitting in my truck) I could clearly see he was holding a handgun (partially under his shirt).

You would think this would register some kind of reaction in me. A quickening of my pulse, a feeling of fear, a frantic desire to flee, a struggle to think of some way out of the situation... SOMETHING. For some reason, I felt nothing. I had zero reaction to the fact that I was in a "bad" part of Las Vegas, at night, being confronted by an erratic stranger holding a gun about 10 inches from my face. I felt no fear of any kind. I don't know why. Any intelligent person would have. I should have, but I just didn't. I looked at the gun, then looked him straight in the eyes, and asked him again if his address matched the one we were given. I was actually annoyed that he wouldn't tell me if I had been given the wrong address! He looked puzzled as to why his gun registered no reaction with me. He looked down at it, then looked at me again. I was still looking directly into his eyes, waiting for the answer to my question. He again said, "I don't want to talk about that." Seeing that we were at a stalemate, I said, "Well, then I'm sorry we disturbed you. Goodbye." I then rolled up my window, and slowly drove away, as if we were casually leaving a supermarket or something.

As I sit here hours later, I still don't understand my reaction (or rather lack thereof) to the incident. I did NOT grow up in a gun-toting household (save an old 22 rifle that sat decaying in the basement). I've never owned a gun, and until tonight I've never been in a confrontation that involved a gun (though we did once witness the police pulling riot guns on a suspect at a gas station). I'm not any kind of legitimate badass either... I'm not an ex-Navy SEAL, Army Ranger, FBI, SWAT, or the like. And yet I felt nothing when confronted by an erratic stranger with a gun. I always hoped that if this kind of situation ever occurred, I would find a way to stay reasonably calm, but I never thought I would feel no fear or apprehension of any kind.

I've always denied the ideas of those who would have us believe watching violent movies and playing violent video games make us desensitized to violence in the real world, but tonight I'm wondering if they were right? Did committing thousands of violent, armed crimes in Grand Theft Auto (and similar games) desensitize me to the danger of guns in the real world? Did watching countless action movies where the hero survives wave-after-wave of gunfire somehow make me subconsciously believe I'm bullet-proof? I don't know, but I find it very unnerving to know my survival instinct did not kick-in tonight as it should have. Fortunately, I do still have logic, which tells me that I need to avoid putting myself in that kind of situation again!