Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Clerks II - New Release Date

It was announced that Clerks II will now have an earlier release date!! Kevin Smith will allow us back into his hilarious New Jersey universe on JULY 21, 2006. Snootch to the noootch!!

Check out these previews:

Teaser (I like this one the best!)


Sunday, May 21, 2006

Geeky fun alert!

My cousin Lindsey took this test, so I thought I would too. Here are the results of the most geeky thing I've ever posted in my blog:

My results from the...

You are Will Riker
At times you are self-centered
but you have many friends.
You love many women, but the right
woman could get you to settle down.

Will Riker
James T. Kirk (Captain)
Deanna Troi
An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
Beverly Crusher
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
Geordi LaForge
Mr. Scott
Jean-Luc Picard
Mr. Sulu

Monday, May 15, 2006

Say it

Why is it lately I feel like people aren't saying what they truly want to say? I feel like a lot of people in my life are holding back their true thoughts as of late. I don't like it.

Friday, May 12, 2006


I HATE it when my friends have big problems that are beyond my ability to help.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I started writing a new post today, but I realized I already wrote basically the exact same post back in August. With the summer TV season quickly approaching, perhaps it's fitting that today I will post my first rerun:


(*If you don't recognize the guy in the red beret, don't sweat it... you're probably just too young to know. It was my attempt at humor, on a day I'm feeling humorless.)

Friday, May 05, 2006

Tribute to Dr. Sara

Tonight I watched my friend Sara become a Doctor of Optometry. Scott and I went to Big Rapids to attend her graduation from the Michigan College of Optometry (at FSU). Hearing them announce her as "Doctor" (I'm not posting her last name on the web!), and watching her stride across the stage--all smiles--was in a word: surreal. In less than a minute it was done... one of my best friends in the world is now an eye doctor.

How did that cheerful, bouncy, cute little 19 year old girl I met in the dorms at CMU become the knowledgeable, proud, budding professional I watched graduate tonight? It all seemed to happen in the blink of an eye.

I actually met Sara when she randomly arrived at my dorm room in college with a mutual friend. It is 100% accurate to say the only reason they were darkening my doorway was because they wanted to scam a ride to get food. You see, I had a car, and that was a somewhat valuable commodity in the dorms. Half-way through our first conversation ever, a different ride was secured by another friend of hers, and Sara was gone. Who would've ever guessed that such a brief and shallow beginning could lead to a decade long (and counting) friendship?

I've known Sara for almost her entire college career (I met her during her Freshman year). She has always put intense pressure on herself about classes, studying, tests, papers, projects, etc. She was always very driven to succeed in school (much in contrast to myself). She would stress and worry over every test, but would manage to succeed time and time again. I always knew her intelligence and drive would take her anywhere she wanted to go in her life.

I don't mean to portray Sara as some kind of stuffy geek! Just a partial geek (ha!)----How many girls in their 20s are huge fans of the "Golden Girls" TV show? Sara has always made me smile with her quirky sense of humor. She can be goofy, crazy, and can laugh so hard that she falls over. She has a soft, innocent vibe about her, but I think she possesses more courage and adventurousness than most people give her credit for. Beyond all of that, she is one of a select few people in my life that I am 100% sure would "be there for me", no matter what. For this I am so extremely fortunate and grateful.

This is a graduation tribute to you, Dr. Sara! I know the drive that propelled you to succeed in school will now propel you to succeed in life. Don't be nervous about the huge change your life is undergoing. You have worked long and hard to secure a great future for yourself. Be bold and embrace it! I know you very well... you WILL succeed.

I am so very proud of you, my friend!
Sara & Todd 1998

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Pet Memorial

A friend recently had to put her beloved dog to sleep, and she is totally wrecked about it. It got me thinking about how close we can become with our pets. They can provide some kind of unconditional love and acceptance. Due to their lack of higher cognitive powers, and their lack of English skills, their love is perhaps a more basic love... But how often in life do we find true unconditional love from fellow humans? I have had a few pets who's loss effected me deeply. I cried when my childhood hamster---Hulk---died. We had a macho Golden Retriever named Champ who only stayed with us a short time before succumbing to disease. The most difficult pet to let go of was our family dog of many years: Penny. She was a beautiful, loving Golden Retriever, and a true part of the family. She even went on family vacations with us. The day she was struck by a car (and died shortly thereafter), it broke my heart.

I don't know if I believe that "time heals all wounds", but I believe time can ease the level of pain we feel about something (even if the wound is never totally "healed"). What helps me is focusing on the happy memories I have of my past pets. Those memories are mine to keep and cherish.